Return Policy

Return Policy

To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it. It must also be in the original packaging. If the product was used, you will be required to send us supporting material to initiate the return & refund process.

We have a store-wide policy of returns on all products within 60 days. To be eligible for a return, submit your return request through the Return-Request page.

For your request to be successfully approved, your order should be satisfied for one of the following:

  1. Parcel damaged on arrival
  2. Poor quality/faulty
  3. Incorrect item received
  4. Others (Please specify in additional notes)

It will usually take up to 3 business days for us to review your request. Once the request been approved, you can ship the product back with the carrier you prefer. You will then receive the refund after we receive the product. 

Upon return request, we'll add a prepaid label for you to ship the returned item to us. 


We accept order cancellation before the product is processed and shipped out to the logistic facility.

If the order is cancelled, you will receive a refund minus a 5% transaction fee. We cannot cancel the order if the product has already been shipped out, as it is already on its way to you.